Dr. Grace Teariki
Dr. Grace has been practicing in Hobart since 2018. Her chiropractic journey started at nine years of age with the onset of persistent migraines. After benefiting from chiropractic care when it comes to migraines and overall body function and health, she has vowed to share her experience, expertise and help to as many people as possible. Dr. Grace has a passion for health and fitness which has shaped not only her life but her chiropractic care and message. She wants to give people the best opportunity to live their lives free from pain, and most importantly get them moving again. Dr. Grace incorporates some kinesiology techniques in her practise along with chiropractic adjustments, activator method and some SOT/CST. She is currently interested in functional neurology as she believes that it all starts with the nervous system. Especially in regards to children, as adults we are just the amalgamation of what we experience over time. If you can change old habits and patterns it will have the greatest impact on the physical (structural), bio-chemical and mental components of your body. All of which is crucial to life and wellness.